Committed to sustainability

With a clear-cut philosophy of concern for the environment, at Marpe we are committed to sustainability, both when managing waste from our production and when consuming raw materials and energy for carrying out the processes involved.

We follow a policy of responsibility with respect to the energy we consume for our production processes. We have an installation of 312 photovoltaic modules of 410 Wp by the SUNPOWER brand. This enables us to produce our own energy, with an estimated annual balance of around 200,000kWh, equivalent to the average annual consumption of more than 60 Spanish homes.

We therefore reduce the volume of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by almost 70 tons, decreasing our carbon footprint and specifically the indirect or scope 2 emissions generated by consuming electricity from the grid. A positive effect on air quality similar to that potentially generated by 6,650 trees.

Furthermore, at Marpe we work to a strict recycling policy whereby we give a second life to 90% of the resin and waste we produce. We hold the FSC and PEFC certificates, promoting the responsible management of our main raw material: wood.

Almost 70 tons less CO2 into the atmosphere to achieve an effect in the air similar to that generated by 6,650 trees.

Committed to the environment

We reduce our CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by producing our own energy thanks to a photovoltaic installation which supplies our energy, with a positive effect on air quality similar to that potentially generated by 6,650 trees.